Esc 2004

The most recent Esc, for Unreal Tournament 2004.

UT2004 3339 Patch

You'll need the latest official patch for Unreal Tournament 2004 to join Esc. 12.6 MB.


Latest Version

Full (client, server and source), version 0.8.0, for Windows.  10.5 MB.


Esc Classic

The original Esc, for the original Unreal Tournament, aka UT'99 or UT1.

UT 436 Patch  You'll need this official patch for Unreal Tournament to join Esc

UTPatch436.exe 7.0 MB.


Latest Version

Client, version 0.7.1, for Windows.  14 MB.

Server, version 0.7.1, for Windows.  21 MB.

Source code



martin at martincmartin dot com